Car Wreck Drunk Driver Motorcycle Wreck Semi-Truck Wreck Distracted Driving Wreck
Semi Truck Wreck
The lawyers at Johnson Gray understand what it is like to be involved in an accident with a tractor trailer or large vehicle. Johnson Gray has provided legal representation all over Missouri and Illinois for those who, through no fault of their own, have been injured in accidents involving large trucks, including tractor trailers, tanker trucks and construction vehicles. Johnson Gray has focused our team of lawyers and staff on motor vehicle accidents and personal injury cases in the St. Louis area. We know the St. Louis and Missouri highways and byways extremely well and have had countless clients who have been helped by our team of lawyers.
Should I hire Johnson Gray if I have been injured in a crash with a tractor trailer?
Johnson Gray has a lot of experience handling trucking cases. We use a truck safety expert on all cases that understands the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulations and rules for drivers and trucking companies. We also hire an accident reconstructionist to investigate the crash. We routinely handle tractor trailer cases, so we have all of the experts necessary to fight the trucking company. After our experts investigate the crash, if a lawsuit must be filed and the facts warrant, we can include a claim against the trucking company for negligent hiring and training of the truck driver. We also sue the truck driver for his negligence in causing the crash. We demand the trucking company change their policies and procedures to prevent future crashes. We are aggressive.
How Our Lawyers Can Help:
Facing the catastrophic results of a truck accident alone can be frightening. Who can you turn to for advice about the many practical, medical, and legal issues you will confront? How can you best protect your interests when you are up against the money and power of a big trucking company? The lawyers at Johnson Gray know these answers well. We have a network of experts that will help us build your case and move your case toward a successful settlement or trial verdict. Along the way, our attorneys will answer your questions and explain legal procedures. What we can promise you is that we will not rest until we have exceeded your expectations and delivered the best possible outcome in your case.
If you or your loved ones have been hurt in a car or tractor-trailer accident, immediately contact us. There is no cost to you to sit down with our staff of experts and create a plan for your future case. We do not believe in charging upfront fees; we will earn our payment by getting you paid for the negligence of others!
You are in experienced hands with the lawyers at Johnson Gray when it comes to tractor-trailer accidents or any type of motor vehicle accident. Our office number is 314-385-9500, or if you would prefer you can contact us via email at info@johnsongraylaw.com.
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